Operating Principles Of Plastic Recycling Line

Views: 1686 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-10-21 Origin: Site

With the growing need for environmental protection from pollution, recycling plastic material is crucial for companies. The plastic recycling line makes recycling easy and costs effective.


Interestingly, the Plastic recycling line reduces pollution that plastic materials would have caused.


It also generates revenue to the company by recycling the materials into useful materials for different applications.


A quality plastic recycling line from a reliable and renowned manufacturer recovers manufacturing scraps, recycles byproducts, and reduces production costs.


Basic Operation Principle of Plastic Recycling Line

The following principles are common to plastic recycling line to achieve the objective of recycling.

1. Sorting of Materials

Sorting is the first stage in the process of recycling plastics. This process helps in removing contamination from the material, which may render the recycled material un-reusable.


Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), the polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are carefully separated to remove contamination before moving to the next stage.

 PE Pipe Production Line

2. Size Reduction Stage

The next processing stage is the size reduction of the material. The machine cuts the material into smaller sizes that make it easy for further processing.  enables easy packaging and recycling.


The shaft shredders and the granulators ensure that the material a cut into the needed size. Some plastics vary in hardness, thickness, and weight. The shaft shredder cuts them well by rotating the blades.


The granulator consists of a rotor that is attached to blades. The motor is rotating within a chamber that contains a grid floor. The capacity of the granulator to process the plastic material depends on:

· The shape of the rotor

·  The speed of the rotor

· The Space of the grid

· The angle of the cutting blades


3. The Washing Stage

The cut flakes are washed to remove attachments such as glue, sand, paper, and grit. There is the application of continuous high-temperature water through the washing line over the plastic material.


The materials attached to the surface of the plastic material move in the process. Disinfectant agents and detergents are also used to ensure proper cleaning of the material.


4. The Separation Stage

At this stage, the flakes undergo separation treatments to eliminate potential contamination of the recycled plastics. The most separation process is based on the difference in the density of materials.


Some plastic recycling line also uses centrifugal force to separate material according to their weights. Other ways of separation are separation based on the ratio of surface area and separation based on melting point.


5. Pelletizing Stage

Pelletizing stage is the final stage in the operation of the plastic recycling line.


The pelletizing stage is where the plastics are converted to pellets for easy reuse, transportation, and other products' industrial manufacturing.


The machine uses screw extruders to process the flakes. The processing of the material here reclaims the waste plastic and convert it into pellets that are ready for other uses.


Purchase Quality Plastic Recycling Line From Us

Are you considering where to purchase a quality plastic recycling line from a reputable manufacturer? If yes, then contact Us now.


Sure, you will be glad that you invested in our high-quality plastic recycling line.


We look forward to a lasting partnership with you.


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